Running vs Walking: Which One is Better?

Running vs Walking: Which One is Better?

You understand the benefits of exercise: toned muscles, lower blood pressure and cholesterol rates, and a decreased chance of developing heart disease and diabetes. But when you want

15 Biggest Running Mistakes You Can Make

15 Biggest Running Mistakes You Can Make

Running is a journey. Becoming the runner we want to be doesn’t happen overnight. For most of us, it takes many years, many mistakes and many lessons to

What’s the Deal With Running Gels Anyway?

What’s the Deal With Running Gels Anyway?

Whether it’s those strange shin warmers, the funny-looking belts with little liquid jugs, fitness trackers or strict diets (and knowing when it’s appropriate to have that meticulously planned

Common Running Terms, Explained

Common Running Terms, Explained

Running — be it on a treadmill, on the trail or in the city streets — can strike some serious anxiety into the hearts of the uninitiated. We

Five Running Myths

Five Running Myths

Running: you either hate it or love it. Whether you’re on one side or the other, there are some unbelievable misconceptions you may not know about. If running

The Biggest Running Benefits

The Biggest Running Benefits

But when people ask me why I run, that’s usually pretty far down the list. I also don’t start by talking about how great it is for my