The Biggest Tabata Benefits

The Biggest Tabata Benefits

Taba-whaa? If you’ve ever scrolled through your ClassPass app and wondered what exactly a Tabata workout entails, you’re not alone! Additionally, if you think you’ve got its principles

The Most Common Misconceptions About Yoga

The Most Common Misconceptions About Yoga

If you’re a go-getter in the studio, it’s likely you’ve scrolled past yoga classes thinking your time would be better spent elsewhere to get a solid sweat in.

How to Build & Increase Stamina

How to Build & Increase Stamina

Can’t make it through class without getting tired? If so, it’s time for you to dedicate your efforts to increasing your body’s stamina. Here are five expert tips

5 Common Misconceptions About Gyrotonics

5 Common Misconceptions About Gyrotonics

Gyrotonics definitely has an intimidating ring to it, but don’t let the first glance fool you! It’s packed with important exercises and benefits for athletes of any level.

Your Guide to the Most Popular Yoga Terms

Your Guide to the Most Popular Yoga Terms

Yoga can be a beautiful practice for your body and your mind: its benefits range from improving mental clarity to strengthening muscles to regulating emotional wellbeing. But if

Your Guide to Yoga Props

Your Guide to Yoga Props

Savasana blankets, tea tree oil, and yoga straps: now what? These days, there are so many new and exciting pieces marketed to help you up your yoga game

The Best Swimming Benefits

The Best Swimming Benefits

Outdoor access to bodies of water during summer months tends to bring attention to swimming, but this is an exercise that is truly beneficial year-round. The health benefits