ClassPass strives to be the best partner to you and your business that we can be. Without you, there is no ClassPass!
That said, we have some exciting news here at ClassPass! We would love to introduce to you our new Studio Empowerment Team. This new initiative is aimed solely at supporting you and helping you grow your business in any way we can!
Do you need help marketing your classes? Hiring quality instructors? Are you having trouble with your laundry services? Are you thinking about selling products? Need assistance purchasing apparel? Need design help? Want to spruce up your website? We want to hear from you to understand what you need help with, so that we, as a team, can give you the most effective tools to create solutions.
Expect to hear from us weekly via our new studio–only blog, After Class. Here, we will address different areas of your business with articles, interviews with experts, case studies, tips and tricks and more!