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How to Attract Diverse Talent

How to Attract Diverse Talent

In the workplace, embracing diversity ensures the makeup of your organization reflects a constantly evolving world. It creates a melting pot of people, ideas, and experiences. This goes beyond a strategic business move, becoming a moral necessity that helps create an environment where employees feel valued, represented, seen, and respected. But how do we achieve this? In this blog, we'll explore the importance of diversity for your organization and how to attract diverse talent, including actionable efforts and strategies you can implement throughout recruitment. 

How to Retain Diverse Talent

How to Retain Diverse Talent

Diversity in the workplace offers numerous benefits that can boost organizational performance, foster innovation, and increase employee satisfaction. A diverse workforce brings a wide array of ideas and solutions, reflecting various perspectives and experiences. However, attracting diverse talent is only the first step. Retaining that talent requires a deliberate and ongoing commitment to inclusion and cultural awareness. In this blog, we'll explore how to retain diverse talent in the workplace, including: 

How to Build an Employee-Centric Company Culture

How to Build an Employee-Centric Company Culture

The decision to focus on culture is not a small one. It’s an outward reflection of inward priorities and vision for those who are at the helm, which can be daunting to do successfully.  

How to Host a Successful Fitness Challenge for Your Workplace

How to Host a Successful Fitness Challenge for Your Workplace

Promoting employee wellness is a top priority for organizations looking to enhance productivity, reduce healthcare costs, and foster a positive work environment. One effective way to encourage healthy behaviors among employees: host a company-wide fitness challenge.   

How Employers Can Support Employee Mental Wellness

How Employers Can Support Employee Mental Wellness

More than one third of Americans experience symptoms of depression and anxiety — and the impacts are widespread, including one’s ability to be productive. The financial implication of this is significant. The World Health Organization (WHO) claims that $1 trillion (about $3,100 per person in the US) is lost each year due to mental health-related unproductivity.