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Boxing class

ClassPass lets you try thousands of workouts. Choose any boxing class style you’re looking for with one app.

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How to learn boxing

The best way to learn boxing and get into boxing for fun is to join a beginner-level boxing class. This way you can get clear directions from an experienced instructor and learn the fundamentals so that you can train and take part in boxing for fun without getting any injuries.
Boxing classes have become increasingly popular in recent years, and you should be able to find plenty of beginner-level classes near you to help get you started. The boom in popularity has made the sport much more accessible, especially to women, replacing old school bare-bones gyms with new, clean and stylish boxing studios with plenty of high-energy music and lights.

What to expect from a boxing class

Boxing classes and boxing-themed workout classes will vary a lot between gyms and between teachers. Like all exercise classes you’ll be led through a warm-up and cool down at the beginning and end of your class. Many boxing classes will focus on conditioning as well as boxing technique, so be prepared for a bodyweight circuit or some conditioning exercises before you even strap on your gloves. These will usually include things like press ups, burpees, skipping, squats and lunges.
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How much are boxing classes?

Boxing classes range in price depending on how often you go and the kind of gym you’re training in. You’ll probably find that traditionally boxing gyms cost a little more than gyms and studios that offer boxing classes in addition to other classes.

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