YogaSix - Northfield
This business is in a different timezone.
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by YogaSix and were last updated on 6/17/24.
Social distancing measures
We have mat markers that keep everyone at least 3-feet apart.
Ventilation system
Our special HVAC system cleans the heated air with UV light and our ventilation system exchanges the air in the studio between each of our classes.
Extra sanitation
We work to create the most germ-free environment possible. We disinfect all surfaces and touchpoint between each class.
Contactless check-in
Class attendees can check in with our app before they get to the studio, and our Wellness Advisors are there to check you in to minimize contact with shared surfaces.
Mon, Jan 13
60 min
Y6 Sculpt & Flow
Anna Anderson60 min
Y6 Hot
Molly Robinson60 min
Y6 Slow Flow
Natasia Paukovich60 min
Y6 Restore
Natasia PaukovichYogaSix Reviews
4.92,500+ ratings
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- 1
Not yet reviewed.
How to prepare