Yoga Bikram Paris - Grands Boulevards
This business is in a different timezone.
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Yoga Bikram Paris and were last updated on 12/17/24.
Ventilation system
L'air est renouvelé constamment par une ventilation VMC.
Extra sanitation
deep clean in between each classes
Equipment policies
To practice, you always need a mat and towels. Mat and towels rentals possible.
Limited amenity access
showers are open.
Fri, Feb 7
60 min
10h Hot HIIT Pilates studio Grands Boulevards
Jose Antonio90 min
12h Yoga Bikram studio Grands Boulevards
Rob90 min
18h Yoga Bikram studio Grands Boulevards
Queta60 min
20h Hot HIIT Pilates studio Grands Boulevards
JeaneYoga Bikram Paris Reviews
4.87,500+ ratings
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- 1
Not yet reviewed.
How to prepare