Windlab Indoor Skydiving - 1 Utama
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Windlab Indoor Skydiving and were last updated on 12/27/23.
Mask-wearing policies
Flight suits and protective gear are provided.
Social distancing measures
To avoid overcrowding during check-in, please arrive on time for registration and waiver sign-in. We can take up to 15 people per class.
Ventilation system
1 Utama Shopping Centre employs advanced technology in its comprehensive air treatment and filtration systems to produce truly clean air through various methods i.e. High Efficiency Filters, powerful UV lights, frequent indoor purging exercise, and electronic Co2 sensor tracking.
Extra sanitation
Face masks are optional and you are to bring your own. We have hand sanitizers available throughout the facility. Please bring/wear closed-in, laced-up shoes like sneakers/joggers or rent from us at RM10 a pair(subject to availability).
Windlab Skydiving One Utama | Truly Excitement!!! | Terbang Macam Superman
Windlab Indoor Skydiving Reviews
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How to prepare