Thrive Yoga - IJburg
This business is in a different timezone.
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Thrive Yoga and were last updated on 1/9/24.
Social distancing measures
All mats have 1.5 meter spacing and we work in smaller groups.
Extra sanitation
We disinfect doorhandles and toilets more often and have hand spray disinfection at the entrance available.
Limited capacity
Maximum capacity is limited
Contactless check-in
Please enter one by one and wait till the previous student is checked in and at their mat. Just confirm to the teacher that you are healthy and the teacher will cehck you in on her phone.
Sun, Jan 19
75 min
Yin Yoga
Claudia Holvast (NL/ENG)Thrive Yoga Reviews
4.81,000+ ratings
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- 1
Not yet reviewed.
How to prepare