Third Avenue Barber Shop

This business is in a different timezone.

Safety & cleanliness

Safety guidelines are provided by Third Avenue Barber Shop and were last updated on 5/30/24.

Ventilation system

We have an air conditioning system

Extra sanitation

Clean after every client


Tue, Sep 10
30 min

SHAVE Regular

30 min

HAIR Regular

30 min

SHAVE Regular

30 min

HAIR Regular

60 min

HAIR + SHAVE Regular

30 min

SHAVE Regular

30 min

HAIR Regular

60 min

HAIR + SHAVE Regular

30 min

SHAVE Regular

30 min

HAIR Regular

60 min

HAIR + SHAVE Regular

30 min

SHAVE Regular

30 min

HAIR Regular

60 min

HAIR + SHAVE Regular

30 min

SHAVE Regular

30 min

HAIR Regular

60 min

HAIR + SHAVE Regular

30 min

SHAVE Regular

30 min

HAIR Regular

60 min

HAIR + SHAVE Regular

30 min

SHAVE Regular

30 min

HAIR Regular

60 min

HAIR + SHAVE Regular

30 min

SHAVE Regular

30 min

HAIR Regular

60 min

HAIR + SHAVE Regular

30 min

SHAVE Regular

30 min

HAIR Regular

60 min

HAIR + SHAVE Regular

30 min

SHAVE Regular

30 min

HAIR Regular

Third Avenue Barber Shop Reviews

1 rating
Not yet reviewed.

How to prepare

How to get there