the skin care studio
This business is in a different timezone.
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by the skin care studio and were last updated on 11/24/24.
Social distancing measures
Appointments are spaced an hour apart from eachother so only one client is in the studio at a time with an hour gap in between (unless booked together, such as mother/daughter, etc).
Ventilation system
There is an air cooling (HVAC) system
Extra sanitation
Disinfection and sanitation procedures are the norm at the skin care studio, even before Corona. All tools, equipment and supplies are disinfected after every appointment and the linens changed - no exceptions. I also have an air purifier on at all times.
Limited capacity
Only one client is in the studio at a time (unless you are accompanied by someone).
Thu, Jan 16
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
the skin care studio Reviews
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How to prepare