The Mat Martial Arts
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by The Mat Martial Arts and were last updated on 4/22/24.
Extra sanitation
Mats & Equipment disinfected between every class. Facility professionally disinfected 2x/week with treatment designed to last 7 days each.
Limited capacity
Classes limited to 16 attendees
Contactless check-in
mobile app and on-site tablets for access to registration and attendance. Staff also trained to manually attend all participants, or double check for attendance.
Equipment policies
limited equipment on loan. Disinfected after each use and put aside to dry 24 hours between use. Personal equipment (boxing gloves, shin guards, etc. highly recommended to maintain cleanliness and prevent spread of bacteria).

We Are The Mat Martial Arts
Thu, Feb 6
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
The Mat Martial Arts Reviews
4.9100+ ratings
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How to prepare
Wheelchair accessible