The 3D Skin Studio
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by The 3D Skin Studio and were last updated on 10/8/24.
Mask-wearing policies
Masks are optional for customers. The service provider will be wearing a mask during the service for extra precaution.
Extra sanitation
The room is sanitized after each appointment and a deep clean and sanitation is performed at the end of each day.
Limited capacity
Maximum capacity is 2 people.
Temperature checks
We do not do temperature checks however, if you are feeling feverish at the day of your appointment, please call to inform The 3D Skin Studio so that they may reschedule you.
Sun, Feb 16
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
The 3D Skin Studio Reviews
5.087 ratings
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Not yet reviewed.
How to prepare
Wheelchair accessible