Sweet Torture LLC

This business is in a different timezone.

Safety & cleanliness

Safety guidelines are provided by Sweet Torture LLC and were last updated on 6/24/23.

Social distancing measures

Please practice social distancing, and keep 6 feet between you and your neighbors in the building

Extra sanitation

The suite is cleaned and disinfected before and after each client

Limited capacity

Only three people aloud in the suite at a time

Contactless check-in

Lobby will be locked on the weekends. Please feel free to text the number listed when you have arrived, and I will be right down to get you


Sat, Jul 27
30 min

Brazilian Wax (V)

30 min

Brazilian Wax (P)

15 min

Lip + Chin Wax

30 min

Back Wax

15 min

Underarm Wax

20 min

Bikini Line Wax (V)

30 min

Stomach Wax

30 min

Chest Wax

45 min

Full Leg Wax

30 min

Buttocks Wax

30 min

Bikini Line Wax (P)

30 min

Bikini Full Wax (P)

30 min

Bikini Full Wax (V)

30 min

Full Arm Wax

15 min

Lip + Chin Wax

15 min

Underarm Wax

20 min

Bikini Line Wax (V)

30 min

Brazilian Wax (V)

30 min

Brazilian Wax (P)

15 min

Lip + Chin Wax

30 min

Back Wax

15 min

Underarm Wax

30 min

Stomach Wax

30 min

Chest Wax

30 min

Buttocks Wax

30 min

Bikini Line Wax (P)

30 min

Bikini Full Wax (P)

30 min

Bikini Full Wax (V)

30 min

Full Arm Wax

20 min

Bikini Line Wax (V)

15 min

Lip + Chin Wax

15 min

Underarm Wax

30 min

Brazilian Wax (V)

30 min

Brazilian Wax (P)

15 min

Lip + Chin Wax

30 min

Back Wax

15 min

Underarm Wax

30 min

Stomach Wax

30 min

Chest Wax

45 min

Full Leg Wax

30 min

Buttocks Wax

30 min

Bikini Line Wax (P)

30 min

Bikini Full Wax (P)

30 min

Bikini Full Wax (V)

30 min

Full Arm Wax

20 min

Bikini Line Wax (V)

15 min

Lip + Chin Wax

15 min

Underarm Wax

30 min

Brazilian Wax (V)

30 min

Brazilian Wax (P)

Sweet Torture LLC Reviews

100+ ratings
Not yet reviewed.

How to prepare




Wheelchair accessible

How to get there