Stunning Brows NY
This business is in a different timezone.
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Stunning Brows NY and were last updated on 8/15/23.
Ventilation system
AC System and Ventilation are always working at the premises to maintain good air quality.
Extra sanitation
We use mostly disposable and sterile materials to eliminate cross-contamination and individualize our services to make them safe for each client. Cleaning, sanitation, and disinfection of any area and pieces of equipment before and after any service.
Limited capacity
No more than 2 people are allowed within the working area. We offer a comfortable waiting area for guests within the building.
Contactless check-in
Clients are provided with a special numeric code to get access to the premise prior to the appointment

Stunning Brows NY
Sat, Feb 8
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
Stunning Brows NY Reviews
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How to prepare
Wheelchair accessible