Studio Nicki Spice
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Studio Nicki Spice and were last updated on 6/9/21.
Mask-wearing policies
Mask are required when entering the space. If you forgot to bring one, we will provide one for you.
Social distancing measures
We have glass dividers between clients that ensures your comfort and safety. Our practitioners all wear the necessary PPE to provide a safe environment.
Extra sanitation
We sanitize our surfaces, and our tools between each client. We have a motion sanitizer stationed upon entering the Studio and sanitizers are at every service station in the studio.
Limited capacity
Our Studio is an appointment base environment so we service one client at a time to eliminate a crowd. Our practitioners believe in providing exceptional service so we devote the time scheduled to the client.
Fri, Feb 7
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
Studio Nicki Spice Reviews
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