Studio 191 - De Pijp
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Studio 191 and were last updated on 11/11/24.
Ventilation system
Ventilation and air filtration system in place
Extra sanitation
• Each Mat is supplied with hospital grade sanitizing cleaning spray • We provide medical grade hand sterilizing solution throughout the building.• Please cancel your class if you show symptoms of Covid-19.
Contactless check-in
Please arrive 5-15 mins before the class starts, entry to the class after it has started is not permitted.
Equipment policies
We offer Manduka Pro Mats complimentary as part of the class - along with medical grade alcohol disinfectant spray next to each mat. All props are provided and sanitised after classes. Guests wishing to bring their own mats are welcome to do so.
Thu, Jan 23
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
Studio 191 Reviews
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How to prepare