Silverbush Physical Therapy PLLC
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Silverbush Physical Therapy PLLC and were last updated on 1/17/22.
Vaccination policies
It's important for all of us to feel as safe as possible, especially during a pandemic. At Silverbush Physical Therapy, every staff member is fully vaccinated.
Mask-wearing policies
Our staff and patients are required to wear a mask at all times, regardless of vaccination status.
Social distancing measures
The waiting room has two chairs, which are over six feet apart.
Ventilation system
Our facility has multiple windows, and is well-ventilated. We also use a HEPA filter.
Fri, Feb 7
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
Silverbush Physical Therapy PLLC Reviews
5.012 ratings
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How to prepare