Schilz Martial Arts & Cardio Kickboxing
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Schilz Martial Arts & Cardio Kickboxing and were last updated on 12/1/23.
Extra sanitation
To ensure everything remains clean, students wipe down their bags at the end of each class. I mop the floor every day. I ensure that the weights, bags, and bathroom is clean!
Temperature checks
Room temperature is managed by keeping the room between 65 - 70, and when needed, an industrial fan is used to keep air circulating!
Equipment policies
Equipment is always kept clean after each use, and during the boot camp workouts, I follow students and wipe down the equipment that the previous students used.
Fri, Jan 24
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
Schilz Martial Arts & Cardio Kickboxing Reviews
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How to prepare