Row House - North Hills

This business is in a different timezone.

Safety & cleanliness

Safety guidelines are provided by Row House and were last updated on 12/6/23.

Ventilation system

We've installed a top of the line induct HVAC air filtration system to reduce the exposure to airborne particles.

Extra sanitation

All equipment and floor is sanitized between each class with bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal.

Contactless check-in

In app check in is available. Please note we do have a 15 minute arrival cut off for all new guests. Please arrive no later than 15 minutes prior to your start time. Any arrival after that time will be rescheduled.

Equipment policies

Members do an initial wipe down of their equipment with a disinfecting wipe prior to studio employees taking the next level of cleaning with bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal. All equipment is returned to the weight stack by employees post cleaning.


Sat, Apr 27
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day

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