Restore Hyper Wellness + Cryotherapy - West Ashley

This business is in a different timezone.

Safety & cleanliness

Safety guidelines are provided by Restore Hyper Wellness + Cryotherapy and were last updated on 6/23/23.

Mask-wearing policies

Please wear a mask at all times. If you do not have a mask, we can provide one to you at the front desk.

Social distancing measures

Clients are placed a safe 6 feet apart at all times.

Extra sanitation

Use of Clorox wipes, Lysol spray and other sanitation products are used on all services and equipment usage.

Limited capacity

A maximum capacity of 10 people within the store at all times.


Sat, Jul 27
10 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy

10 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy

10 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy

10 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy

10 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy

10 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy

10 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy

10 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy

10 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy

10 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy

10 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy

10 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy

10 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy

10 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy

10 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy

10 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy

10 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy

10 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy

10 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy

10 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy

10 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy

10 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy

10 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy

10 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy

10 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy

10 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy

10 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy

10 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy

10 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy

10 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy

10 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy

10 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy

10 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy

Restore Hyper Wellness + Cryotherapy Reviews

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How to prepare





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