Ptah Khi School - Streatham
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Ptah Khi School and were last updated on 6/25/24.
Mask-wearing policies
Mask are optional for attendees
Social distancing measures
All students will be designated a location to stand during training
Extra sanitation
All equipment will be sanitised and clean before use during and after class also sanitisation equipment also be provided at the entrance of the class.
Limited capacity
Maximum size will be 15 people

Wudang Tai Chi Demonstration

The Way of the 13 Tactics

Ba Duan Jin ☯️ Health Benefits and Awareness of Movement

Tai Chi Stretching and mobilisation

Wudang Reeling Silk - Key principles

Chi Kung Health benefits

Life of Tai Chi
Sat, Dec 21
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
Ptah Khi School Reviews
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