Planet Massage - Fort Lauderdale

This business is in a different timezone.

Safety & cleanliness

Safety guidelines are provided by Planet Massage and were last updated on 9/13/22.

Mask-wearing policies

On request at this time.

Social distancing measures

We never crowd our guests and have relaxed scheduling to allow everyone privacy and space

Ventilation system

Commercial HVAC with special air filtration & increased fresh air. Outdoor treatments offered as well.

Extra sanitation

Extra Sanitation


Fri, Jan 24
90 min

Custom Massage | Same Day Booking/VIP/Rush | 90 Minutes

60 min

Signature Customized Massage W Araomatherpy | 60 Minutes

90 min

Custom Massage | Same Day Booking/VIP/Rush | 90 Minutes

60 min

Signature Customized Massage W Araomatherpy | 60 Minutes

90 min

Custom Massage | Same Day Booking/VIP/Rush | 90 Minutes

60 min

Signature Customized Massage W Araomatherpy | 60 Minutes

90 min

Custom Massage | Same Day Booking/VIP/Rush | 90 Minutes

60 min

Signature Customized Massage W Araomatherpy | 60 Minutes

90 min

Custom Massage | Same Day Booking/VIP/Rush | 90 Minutes

60 min

Signature Customized Massage W Araomatherpy | 60 Minutes

90 min

Custom Massage | Same Day Booking/VIP/Rush | 90 Minutes

60 min

Signature Customized Massage W Araomatherpy | 60 Minutes

90 min

Custom Massage | Same Day Booking/VIP/Rush | 90 Minutes

60 min

Signature Customized Massage W Araomatherpy | 60 Minutes

90 min

Custom Massage | Same Day Booking/VIP/Rush | 90 Minutes

60 min

Signature Customized Massage W Araomatherpy | 60 Minutes

90 min

Custom Massage | Same Day Booking/VIP/Rush | 90 Minutes

60 min

Signature Customized Massage W Araomatherpy | 60 Minutes

90 min

Custom Massage | Same Day Booking/VIP/Rush | 90 Minutes

60 min

Signature Customized Massage W Araomatherpy | 60 Minutes

Planet Massage Reviews

75 ratings
Not yet reviewed.

How to prepare






How to get there