Pavilion Pilates
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Pavilion Pilates and were last updated on 10/18/24.
Extra sanitation
Please wipe down all mats and equipment at the end of your group class. Disinfectant will be provided.
Contactless check-in
Late arrivals are strictly not allowed to enter. Clients are encouraged to arrive at least ten (10) minutes before the scheduled start time of your class to allow for check-ins and preparation. USING OTHER PEOPLE ACCOUNT or REPLACEMENT OF MEMBER to attend class is disallowed.
Equipment policies
Non-slip socks are compulsory for reformer classes. Drinking water is a must for all classes.
Featured in top classes for
Fri, Feb 14
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
Pavilion Pilates Reviews
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How to prepare