Ozone Fitness
This business is in a different timezone.
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Ozone Fitness and were last updated on 11/5/24.
Extra sanitation
Our cleaning staff maintain all facilities and equipment daily. We require all users to wipe down equipment before and after use to maintain hygiene standards and as a courtesy of other users.
Equipment policies
All users are required to properly wipe down equipment before and after use. We do not permit weight dropping on the gym floor.
Limited amenity access
We have private bathrooms so you will not need to be adjacent to other users while showering or changing. Please wipe down the bathroom before leaving it as a courtesy to the next user.
Featured in top classes for
Thu, Jan 23
60 min
Open Gym - Assisted Training
Ozone Fitness Reviews
4.85,000+ ratings
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Not yet reviewed.
How to prepare