Optimal Sport 1315
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Optimal Sport 1315 and were last updated on 1/21/21.
Mask-wearing policies
Everyone must wear a mask around the facility and keep distance of 6 ft apart.
Social distancing measures
All members, staff and instructors must stay 6 feet apart from one another at all times. All in-club classes are spread out throughout the room and class size is max 10ppl.
Ventilation system
Covid killing air filters have been added to the gyms main filtration unit. Vents cleaned regularly as well as bottles of antibacterial spray. Hand sanitization stations all through gym.
Extra sanitation
We spray myshield on all equipment every other week and equipment is cleaned daily and nighlty by cleaning crew and staff.
Featured in top classes for
Tue, Feb 18
60 min
Optimal Sport 1315 Reviews
4.65,000+ ratings
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How to prepare
Wheelchair accessible