Om Factory Aerial Fitness - @ KL
This business is in a different timezone.
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Om Factory Aerial Fitness and were last updated on 2/2/23.
Mask-wearing policies
Compulsory to wear socks for every class. Mask is optional during class while please put on mask before and right after class.
Social distancing measures
Yoga mat are place to indicate social distance. You're encourage to bring your yoga mat and place on top for extra hygiene.
Extra sanitation
All equipment will be clean between use and studio will be deep sanitize everyday.

Jom Try out BUNGEE FLY at OM Factory Kuala Lumpur!蹦极飞跃

Om Factory Malaysia Aerial Arts/ Circus School Tour with Reiko

Jom try Lyra (Aerial Hoop) 空中旋环 at Om Factory Kuala Lumpur!
Sat, Feb 15
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
Om Factory Aerial Fitness Reviews
4.71,000+ ratings
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How to prepare