nZone Sportsplex
This business is in a different timezone.
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by nZone Sportsplex and were last updated on 7/20/22.
Ventilation system
HVAC is cleaned. Our 40' ceilings provide optimal airflow for greater peace of mind, even when indoors.
Extra sanitation
We sanitize our turf fields regularly, clean the HVAC, and use "smart" cleaners that keep surfaces clean for 90 days at a time. While this doesn't mean we stop cleaning (at all), it does give us all peace of mind that we've providing an optimal environment.
Contactless check-in
QR codes for Guest Sign in and Guest Waiver.Set up a FREE profile online then download the app for the fastest access to the club!
Equipment policies
All equipment is sanitized between use.
Tue, Feb 18
120 min
Open Gym
120 min
Open Gym
nZone Sportsplex Reviews
4.91,000+ ratings
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- 2
- 1
Not yet reviewed.
How to prepare
Wheelchair accessible