NY Best Kickboxing
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by NY Best Kickboxing and were last updated on 2/14/25.
Ventilation system
They use Coway Airmega Smart Air Purifier technology, a true HEPA air purifier. They also have dehumidifiers and fans to help keep you cool year round. When appropriate, they have three air conditioners that keep the entire studio comfortable.
Extra sanitation
The facility is professionally cleaned every day.
Limited capacity
They limit class size not only so you have room to move but also so their staff can keep a close eye on you and make corrections.
Equipment policies
Everyone must have boxing gloves. If you have your own, GREAT! If you need a pair you can buy them at our pro shop. They also sell handwraps, and other kickboxing gear.
Mon, Feb 17
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
NY Best Kickboxing Reviews
4.834 ratings
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Not yet reviewed.
How to prepare