Meraki Barre
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Meraki Barre and were last updated on 6/2/24.
Vaccination policies
We do not require any proof of any vaccinations.
Mask-wearing policies
As of 4/20/22, CDPH no longer requires a face mask indoors, regardless of your vaccination status Please feel free to wear one, if you are more comfortable with one on.
Social distancing measures
There are only 10 spaces, and each space is marked 6 feet apart.
Extra sanitation
Even though the studio equipment has been disinfected, after class, you will be given a disinfecting wipe, to wipe our equipment that you have used, ie weights. If you would like a wipe before class to use on our equipment, just ask the teacher for one.
Featured in top classes for
Tue, Feb 18
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How to prepare