Medical Sports Massage and Cryotherapy
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Medical Sports Massage and Cryotherapy and were last updated on 9/21/23.
Mask-wearing policies
All of their employees are wearing mask, and ask that all class Pass clients wear mask as well. If you so not have a mask one will be given to you once you enter the lobby.
Social distancing measures
They stager the appointments so that no more than 3 people are in the lobby at one time
Extra sanitation
They are sanitizing the restrooms, doors, chairs, tables, and all equipment through out the day.
Temperature checks
They Check temperature every time a client enters into the facility

Medical & Sports Massage: About Cryo-Therapy

We Are Medical & Sports Massage

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Sat, Feb 8
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Medical Sports Massage and Cryotherapy Reviews
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How to prepare