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Safety & cleanliness

Safety guidelines are provided by Massage4all and were last updated on 5/13/22.

Mask-wearing policies

We provide face masks and include our signature aromatherapy treatment for free. You will be ask to select scent from our extenisve offerings of esstential oils. We require that you wear one during the session. I too wear a mask.

Ventilation system

Ventilation has been increased for your safety,

Extra sanitation

disposable face rest covers will be used, all surfaces, supplies, and linens will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected in accordance with Massachusetts and CDC guidelines

Temperature checks

Precautions have been made to ensure the safety of the clients and myself. Your temperature is checked, using a non-contact thermometer. you will be asked to wash your hands and face. You are welcome to shower before your session.


Wed, Jan 22
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day

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How to prepare

How to get there