Kombuchery Delivery - Hamburg

This business is in a different timezone.

Safety & cleanliness

Safety guidelines are provided by Kombuchery Delivery and were last updated on 3/18/24.

Social distancing measures

DE: Kontaktlose Lieferung mit DHLEN: Contactless delivery with DHL

Extra sanitation

DE: Kontaktlose Lieferung mit DHLEN: Contactless delivery with DHL

Limited capacity

DE: Kontaktlose Lieferung mit DHLEN: Contactless delivery with DHL

Contactless check-in

DE: Kontaktlose Lieferung mit DHLEN: Contactless delivery with DHL


Probiere Kombuchery


Wed, Apr 24
60 min

Kombuchery Bio-Kombucha „Choose Your Own“ (12x 330ml)

60 min

Kombuchery Bio-Kombucha „Choose Your Own“ (12x 330ml)

60 min

Kombuchery Bio-Kombucha „Choose Your Own“ (12x 330ml)

60 min

Kombuchery Bio-Kombucha „Choose Your Own“ (12x 330ml)

60 min

Kombuchery Bio-Kombucha „Choose Your Own“ (12x 330ml)

60 min

Kombuchery Bio-Kombucha „Choose Your Own“ (12x 330ml)

60 min

Kombuchery Bio-Kombucha „Choose Your Own“ (12x 330ml)

60 min

Kombuchery Bio-Kombucha „Choose Your Own“ (12x 330ml)

60 min

Kombuchery Bio-Kombucha „Choose Your Own“ (12x 330ml)

60 min

Kombuchery Bio-Kombucha „Choose Your Own“ (12x 330ml)

60 min

Kombuchery Bio-Kombucha „Choose Your Own“ (12x 330ml)

60 min

Kombuchery Bio-Kombucha „Choose Your Own“ (12x 330ml)

60 min

Kombuchery Bio-Kombucha „Choose Your Own“ (12x 330ml)

60 min

Kombuchery Bio-Kombucha „Choose Your Own“ (12x 330ml)

60 min

Kombuchery Bio-Kombucha „Choose Your Own“ (12x 330ml)

60 min

Kombuchery Bio-Kombucha „Choose Your Own“ (12x 330ml)

60 min

Kombuchery Bio-Kombucha „Choose Your Own“ (12x 330ml)

60 min

Kombuchery Bio-Kombucha „Choose Your Own“ (12x 330ml)

60 min

Kombuchery Bio-Kombucha „Choose Your Own“ (12x 330ml)

60 min

Kombuchery Bio-Kombucha „Choose Your Own“ (12x 330ml)

60 min

Kombuchery Bio-Kombucha „Choose Your Own“ (12x 330ml)

60 min

Kombuchery Bio-Kombucha „Choose Your Own“ (12x 330ml)

60 min

Kombuchery Bio-Kombucha „Choose Your Own“ (12x 330ml)

60 min

Kombuchery Bio-Kombucha „Choose Your Own“ (12x 330ml)

Kombuchery Delivery Reviews

83 ratings
Not yet reviewed.

How to prepare

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