Intention Massage and Skincare
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Intention Massage and Skincare and were last updated on 8/24/20.
Mask-wearing policies
Mask are required outside the treatment room, client can where face mask when face up but can also remove mask in the face down position
Social distancing measures
Intention is an individual spa experience we cater to one client at a time, for a personal private spa experience.
Extra sanitation
During your massage session lavender alcohol mist is applied to hands and feet to enhance sanitation measures. Hand washing is required before service. 2-3 appointment are available daily, with 1hr space in between appointment, along with air filtration in the treatment room and retail area.
Limited capacity
Spa studio is limited to one client at a time for the whole facility
Thu, Feb 13
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
Intention Massage and Skincare Reviews
5.07 ratings
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How to prepare