Heartfelt Hands Massage Clinic - Bellevue
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Heartfelt Hands Massage Clinic and were last updated on 6/14/21.
Vaccination policies
The therapist has been fully vaccinated. Please refer to our website, nashvillemassagetherapist.com, for our COVID Policy.
Mask-wearing policies
The therapist has been fully vaccinated. Please refer to our website, nashvillemassagetherapist.com, for our COVID Policy.
Social distancing measures
You and the therapist are the only two within the occupied space.
Extra sanitation
At Heartfelt Hands, client safety is top priority. The used massage room is cleaned before and after each client.
Wed, Jan 15
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
Heartfelt Hands Massage Clinic Reviews
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