Harlem Cycle - ACP & 138th St
This business is in a different timezone.
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Harlem Cycle and were last updated on 12/13/24.
Mask-wearing policies
Masks or face coverings are optional.
Social distancing measures
Classes have been updated to limited capacity to allow bikes to be placed 6ft apart. We ask that you proactively social distance at all times while in the studio, lobby and hallways.
Ventilation system
We’ve added air purifiers throughout our space.
Extra sanitation
Common areas and surfaces will be disinfected throughout the day and in between each class. To limit hand to hand contact, we are removing complimentary items in the bathroom. Hair ties and ear plus will be behind the desk, available upon request.
Our goal: To provide a space where you can exist on your own terms
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How to prepare