Happy Nails Salon

This business is in a different timezone.

Safety & cleanliness

Safety guidelines are provided by Happy Nails Salon and were last updated on 3/8/21.

Mask-wearing policies

We require everyone to wear mask coming into the salon.

Social distancing measures

We have our clients sitting 6 ft apart.

Ventilation system

We have an air ventilator and open our front door to allow fresh air to flow in the salon.

Extra sanitation

We sanitize with alcohol and hand sanitation lotion approved by CDC.


Sat, Jul 27
35 min

Spa Manicure

35 min

Spa Manicure

35 min

Spa Manicure

35 min

Spa Manicure

35 min

Spa Manicure

35 min

Spa Manicure

35 min

Spa Manicure

35 min

Spa Manicure

35 min

Spa Manicure

35 min

Spa Manicure

35 min

Spa Manicure

35 min

Spa Manicure

35 min

Spa Manicure

35 min

Spa Manicure

Happy Nails Salon Reviews

95 ratings
Not yet reviewed.

How to prepare

How to get there