Group Fit Training
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Group Fit Training and were last updated on 6/17/24.
Ventilation system
Our premises are Air-Conditioned during class times and we open the windows outside of class times.
Extra sanitation
All equipment and surfaces are wiped clean after each class. Our community is committed to a safe and clean place to workout.
Limited capacity
We have limited our class numbers to 20 people to allow space and freedom to move around.
Contactless check-in
We know all of our members personally so no need to swipe a card or find yourself on a computer screen. You can book in to classes via the app or one of our coaches will check you in when you arrive.
Fri, Feb 14
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
Group Fit Training Reviews
4.9100+ ratings
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Not yet reviewed.
How to prepare