Golden Army Fitness Gym
This business is in a different timezone.
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Golden Army Fitness Gym and were last updated on 7/24/23.
Vaccination policies
All participants are not required to show proof of vaccination in order to participate in the workouts.
Mask-wearing policies
Mask are optional for all attends. If you would like a mask it will be offered to you upon your request.
Social distancing measures
All machines and equipment are spaced out in the gym for safe use.
Ventilation system
We keep the doors open for fresh air and we always have the HVAC system running as well to provide fresh air.

7 Essential Ab and totally body workouts for outdoors💯☀️📝 #absworkout #calisthenics #fitnessmodel

6 Core Strengthening And Mobility Workouts. #corestrength #mobilityworkout #glutesworkout #abs
Fri, Feb 14
60 min
"Golden Army Fitness Total Body Domination Boot Camp"
Jesse Staton60 min
"Golden Army Fitness Total Body Domination Boot Camp"
Jesse StatonGolden Army Fitness Gym Reviews
5.0100+ ratings
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Not yet reviewed.
How to prepare