Ernesto Palma Professional Dance
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Ernesto Palma Professional Dance and were last updated on 10/16/23.
Mask-wearing policies
If it makes you comfortable wearing a mask it's all ok with me, If you want me to wear a mask I'm also ok with it or if you want for both of us to wear a mask I'm ok too.
Ventilation system
All rooms have their own air conditioning.
Extra sanitation
All private rooms are cleaned before use.

Ernesto Palma & Robbie Trsitan ChaCha

Ernesto Palma & Leanne Aranza Pro Rising Star!

Amanda Figueroa Sweet 16 sixteen Dance mix"bachata/salsa/ with Ernesto Palma
Mon, Feb 10
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
Ernesto Palma Professional Dance Reviews
5.01 rating
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Not yet reviewed.