Embrace Embodiment
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Embrace Embodiment and were last updated on 8/31/23.
Vaccination policies
If you have been recently vaccinated within the last 6 months I cannot do hands on therapy. I also cannot do hands on therapy to individuals who take daily pharmaceutical drugs. For this reason, I also conduct a meet ang greet w/ you prior to the session to be sure we are a good fit :)
Mask-wearing policies
Masks are optional
Ventilation system
I run a carbon air filter which reduces viral contamination
Extra sanitation
All equipment and high touch surfaces will be cleaned and sanitized between each client. And I personally don't see a lot of clients on purpose to keep things more contained and safe.
Sat, Dec 21
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
Embrace Embodiment Reviews
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How to prepare