Dashing Diva Signature Plaza Damas - Female Only
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Dashing Diva Signature Plaza Damas - Female Only and were last updated on 10/1/24.
Vaccination policies
Customers have be fully vaccinated (14 days post second dose of vaccination). Our hair stylists have completed both vaccination doses.
Extra sanitation
Our salon is sanitised prior to opening and closing of the salon on a daily basis. Our stylists also ensure that the chairs and tables are sanitised after each customer has completed a service.
Equipment policies
All hair equipment used is sanitised after use to ensure our stylists' and customers' health and safety.
Dashing Diva Damas Highlight Reel
Thu, Jan 23
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
Dashing Diva Signature Plaza Damas - Female Only Reviews
4.61,000+ ratings
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How to prepare