Bubbles Day Spa
This business is in a different timezone.
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Bubbles Day Spa and were last updated on 12/5/22.
Mask-wearing policies
Masks are optional
Ventilation system
We have air purifiers in each individual room.
Extra sanitation
Hand sanitizer and disinfectant is available to our clients and employees at or near the entrance of the spa. Break rooms, bathrooms, and other common areas are being disinfected in between every appointment and during opening and closing shift; as well as constantly throughout the day.
Bubbles Day Spa 02.25.20 Good Morning Vail
Fri, Jan 17
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
Bubbles Day Spa Reviews
4.826 ratings
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- 1
Not yet reviewed.
How to prepare
Hispanic/ Latinx-owned