Body Politik
This business is in a different timezone.
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Body Politik and were last updated on 8/29/24.
Contactless check-in
We have a self-serve kiosk that you may search for your reservation via email address to check in prior to class, if it is not your first time. If it is your first time visiting us, you must speak with a staff member before taking class so please come 15 minutes before class start time.
Equipment policies
All Lagree and Combo classes require grip socks. You may bring your own or they are available for purchase in studio ranging in price from $12-24, depending on style. For Climb or Combo classes, sneakers or athletic shoes should be worn.

Versa Intro

Lagree Intro

Body Politik Intro
Featured in top classes for
Wed, Dec 18
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
Body Politik Reviews
5.027,500+ ratings
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How to prepare
Wheelchair accessible