barre3 - Grand Rapids
This business is in a different timezone.
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by barre3 and were last updated on 4/11/24.
Ventilation system
Our HVAC has a built in fresh-air makeup that is constantly recycling air from the outside as well as our air purification system that runs 24/7.
Extra sanitation
All high touch surfaces are sanitized after class + we handle all the equipment for you to ensure it is properly cleaned between use. There is no shared equipment.
Contactless check-in
Within 20-minutes of class, you can check yourself in (via our iPhone app) once you arrive to the studio .
Equipment policies
There are not any shared props, and all your equipment is sanitized after each use.
Sun, Feb 2
45 min
barre3 Signature 45
Hayley Swain45 min
b3 Strength 45
Hannah Goemmel45 min
barre3 Signature 45
Hailey Mattar60 min
barre3 Signature 60
Brooke Mckenziebarre3 Reviews
4.92,500+ ratings
- 5
- 4
- 3
- 2
- 1
Not yet reviewed.
How to prepare