Barre Nation
This business is in a different timezone.
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Barre Nation and were last updated on 2/10/21.
Social distancing measures
Our barres are marked off to ensure plenty of room to distance. Please set up your mat next to your barre and stay within those two areas while we workout.
Extra sanitation
All equipment and barres are being sanitized after each use. We are also allowing clients to bring their own mats and weights if you prefer. The studio is being fogged frequently in addition to regular sanitization efforts.
Limited capacity
We have a maximum capacity in place at the studio until further notice to ensure plenty of room to distance.
Temperature checks
We are asking each client to take their temperature upon entering the studio.
Sat, Feb 15
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
Barre Nation Reviews
4.92,500+ ratings
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How to prepare