Absolute Studios
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Absolute Studios and were last updated on 7/18/24.
Limited capacity
Maximum class size 10 people
Contactless check-in
You will be manually signed in by staff. Please do not arrive more than 10 mins before your class. Late attendees (more than 5 mins late) will not be able to join the class
Limited amenity access
We encourage you to shower/change at home where possible. We have limited towels in each change room if you need
Featured in top classes for
Tue, Feb 11
50 min
Intermediate Pilates
Nicholas Walker50 min
Beginner Pilates
Nicholas Walker50 min
Intermediate Pilates
Nicholas WalkerAbsolute Studios Reviews
4.830,000+ ratings
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- 1
Not yet reviewed.
How to prepare