21 Pilates NYC
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by 21 Pilates NYC and were last updated on 12/29/23.
Vaccination policies
According to NYS State Guidelines all Clients must provide Proof of at Least 1 Dose of Vaccination before entering 21 Pilates NYC. Staff are Fully Vaccinated.Clients can show Proof of Vaccination via Vaccination Record Card, the NYC COVID Safe App, NYS Excelsior App, or an Official Record.
Mask-wearing policies
Masks are required and must be worn for all until Proof of Vaccination is provided. Acceptable Face Coverings include Cloth-based face coverings and Disposable Masks appropriate for exercise that cover both the mouth and nose. Bandanas, buffs, gaiters, and visibly soiled masks are NOT acceptable.
Social distancing measures
Each Reformer has a protective layer to ensure thorough Cleanliness and Sanitation. Staff will direct Flow of Traffic for the Safety of all Attendees and Instructors. PLEASE allow Staff to direct you for the Safety of All.
Ventilation system
2 BlueAir Silent Air Purification Systems will be ON at all times. Kills 99.99% of all Airborne Particulates down to 0.01 Microns, which is smaller than .1 microns associated with COVID-19 particulates. HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filters stops spread of Airborne Pathogens.
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Dominique BExpress on Reformer S1
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How to prepare
Wheelchair accessible