Squat Jump
How do you do a Squat Jump?
Step 1
Start with your feet slightly further than to hip-width apart in a parallel position, your arms raised straight up. Squat down by pushing your weight back into your heels and your tailbone back, ensuring that your knees do not collapse inwardly. Keep your chest upright.
Step 2
Drive back up through your heels into a jump, simultaneously moving your arms down and back for momentum.
How do you modify a Squat Jump?
Squat Jump for Prenatal
Squat Jump for Beginners
Advanced Squat Jump
What are the benefits of a Squat Jump?
Leg Strength
Glute Strength
Expert opinion
Squat jumps are a great way to add cardio to your squat routine.
Jason McWalter,MCW Health and Fitness in Seattle