Thrive Pilates & Yoga
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Thrive Pilates & Yoga and were last updated on 3/1/23.
Mask-wearing policies
We are a vaccinated-only facility, so masks are optional and students are encouraged to do what they feel most comfortable on.
Ventilation system
We have purchased air purifiers that remove a wide range of airborne particles including viruses that are .1 microns and larger (such as COVID-19) and updated our HVAC air filtration.
Extra sanitation
We will continue to use hospital grade disinfectant to clean the studio. All staff and clients are required to wash or sanitize hands upon entering and after each session. We have hand sanitizer available throughout the studio.
Limited capacity
Class sizes are limited.
Featured in top classes for
Sat, Feb 15
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
Thrive Pilates & Yoga Reviews
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How to prepare